Terra Nova Wiki
Actor Romy Poulier
First Seen "Genesis"
Last Seen "Occupation-Resistance"
Name Kara
Status Deceased
Family Josh Shannon, boyfriend
Job Unknown
Go, live a wonderful life.

— Genesis

Kara was the girlfriend of Josh Shannon.


When Josh's mother was recruited as a doctor for Terra Nova, Josh had to leave with his family, leaving Kara behind. However, shortly before departing, Josh and Kara both said they still loved each other and although it is impossible (because she states to him that it is a one-way trip), Josh says he will return so he can bring Kara to Terra Nova.[1]

Kara made it to Terra Nova on the Eleventh Pilgrimage but unfortunately died when the suicide bomber followed her through the portal to create a distraction and destroy the Portal Terminus device.


Kara and Josh stayed up all night and went to their favourite places and did all the things they love before Josh departed to Terra Nova.[2]

She was thrilled when Josh told her that he was going to Terra Nova and threw him a party.[3]

Kara spoke to Josh through a communicator that Mira had that allowed communication to the future. This made him close the deal with the Sixers to steal medicine from his mother's infirmary in exchange of Kara's recruitment on the Eleventh Pilgrimage. ("Proof")


Josh Shannon had Kara was described ; by her boyfriend, Josh Shannon as "quite funny and intelligent; but she also had a tough side too".


Josh is Kara's boyfriend.

Kara had been in a relationship; with Josh for sometime; until the day he and his family took off to live in Terra Nova. It is also known that they were in a band together. Josh wears a platinum necklace she gave to him.[4]



