Terra Nova Wiki
  • Given the crest, it is possible that Acceraptor may be related to Guanlong or Kileskus, though its size appears close to Utahraptor. It is, however, intended to be a type unknown to paleontologists. This article mentions an estimate that we have discovered less than a third of all the types that have been fossilized, and there may be more types that didn't have any fossils that survived to the present.
  • Acceraptor is intended to mean "slashing thief" in Latin. Despite this, it does not actually appear to be a dromaeosaur, the type of dinosaur called a "raptor"; shots of its feet do not seem to show the upturned inner toe with the enlarged "sickle claw" and despite the feathers on its body, it lacks a fantail of feathers, arm feathers or primary feathers on the hands, which are characteristics of dromaeosaurs. Giving a non-dromaeosaur a name with "raptor" in it is not unheard of however, as seen in real dinosaurs like Oviraptor and Eoraptor. Guanlong and Kileskus, mentioned above, were small tyrannosauroids rather than dromaeosaurs, so Acceraptor might be imagined to be a member of this group as well (though the former two were both from the Jurassic, about 80 million years before the time of Terra Nova).
  • Some tyrannosaurs are known from South America, like Santanaraptor, and Acceraptor may have descended from this one.
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  • Ecological speculations: the Acceraptor is a medium size pack predator the lay in the middle of Terra Nova food web, preying on small - mid size animals like Nykoraptors and running a top speed of 45 mph but being prey to Carnotaurus and Allosaurs. Due to this they hunt mainly at dusk to night or in jungles and heavy wooded areas where the larger predators can't travel. The tail blades are most likely a display structures to attract females as only the males have the tail blades and both sex have crests. This mean that males with shaper, stronger tail blades are more favorable as they are more suitable to protect the females and young from predators and ravels alike. This also makes males more territorial and aggressive than females as seen in the series as the males are always the first to attack. They also mate for life and well fright and protect each other as seen when Taylor lit a male on fire and the female getting between Taylor and her mate to protected him from Taylor.